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How To Open Blocked Websites

Setup WebSiteVPN Free PPTP Account in Windows 7
  1. From Windows 7 Desktop, click Start – Control Panel to open the control panel;
  2. Click Network and Internet;
  3. Click Network and Sharing Center;
  4. Click Set up a new connection or network, then Connect to a workplace;
  5. Select option No, create a new cnonection, then Use my Internet connection (VPN);
  6. In the Connect to a workplace window, fill VPN Server hostname as;
  7. In Next window, use in the User name field, and use freevpn in the Password field;
  8. Click “Connect” button to start the free VPN connection.
Setup WebSiteVPN Free PPTP Account in Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
  1. From iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, Press iPhone, iPod touch or iPad’s Home button;
  2. Touch “Settings” icon, select VPN – Add VPN Configuration …
  3. Select ‘PPTP’, adding fields as:
    • Description: WebSiteVPN.COM
      RSA SecurID: OFF
      Password: freevpn
      Encryption level: Auto
      Send All traffic: ON
  4. Touch ‘save’ button to save the VPN configuration;
  5. Slide the VPN status button from OFF to ON position, wait until VPN connected.
Setup WebSiteVPN Free PPTP Account in Google Android 2.3 and 4.0 system
  1. From Andord smartphones, tablets, or set tp boxes, switch back to Home screen;
  2. Touch “Settings” icon, touch More… – VPN text bar;
  3. Touch “+” button to add a new VPN profile, and fill the VPN fields as below:
    • Set “Name” as “WebSiteVPN.COM”;
      Set “Type” as PPTP;
      Set “Server address” as;
      Checked “PPP encryption (MPPE)” option;
  4. Touch “Save” button to save the VPN connection;
  5. Touch “WebSiteVPN.COM” text bar to connect the VPN, Android will prompt the username/password information;
  6. Enter as the VPN username, and enter freevpn as the password;
  7. Touch “Connect” button to start the VPN connection, wait until VPN is connected.
Setup WebSiteVPN Free PPTP Account in Windows XP
  1. From Windows XP desktop, click Start – Control Panel to open the control panel;
  2. Click Network Connections icon, open the Network Connections window;
  3. Click Next button to get the first “New Connection Wizard” Welcome window;
  4. Select “Connect to the network at my workspace” in “Network Connection Type” window, click Next;
  5. Select “Virtual Private Network connection” in “Network Connection” window, click Next;
  6. Enter WebSiteVPN.COM as the VPN connection name, click Next;
  7. Enter VPN Server hostname as, click Next;
  8. Click “Finish” button.
  9. Now the VPN login window shows up,use as the User name and freevpn as the password, click “Connect” button to start your free Win XP VPN connection.

-Free Website VPN

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