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FREE custom domain for BLOGGER

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How to get a FREE top level custom domain for your blog from (Blog from google). These domains are from and you can get
domains for FREE! indefinitely!

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यौं थुँगा फूलका हामी एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका मेचीमहाकाली।
प्रकृतिका कोटीकोटी सम्पदाको आँचल
वीरहरुका रगतले स्वतन्त्र  अटल
ज्ञानभूमि शान्तभूमि तराइ पहाड हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल
बहुल जाति भाषा धर्म संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो जय जय नेपाल।

Nepali Roman font to Unicode

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How to mix English words into your Nepali text. Just put any words in English inside the curly {} brackets.
Examples: yo {pensil} mero ho. = यो pensil मेरो हो
Roman to Nepali Examples: Special Conversion:
ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष
For all other Characters, upper or lower case does not matter

Some Very special characters are:

om = ॐ
rri = ऋ
yna = ञ
chha = छ
ksha =क्ष
gya =ज्ञ
rree = ॠ
ri^ = रि (as in प्र)
rr = र्‍ (as in गर्‍य)
* = अनुस्वर
** = चन्द्रबिन्दु
Nepali unicode can be use in any browser or machine.

Manrupa | Full HD | By Khagendra Shahi | Twelve Notes Pvt. Ltd.

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African Dance in Nepali Hit song Manrupaa


यूट्यूबका रोचक आठ ट्रिक्स, एक चोटी ट्राइ गर्नस्

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यूट्यूबका रोचक आठ ट्रिक्स, एक चोटी ट्राइ गर्नस्
यूट्यूब नचलाउने इन्टरनेट प्रयोगकर्ता आजकाल कमै होलान् । तर, यूट्यूबका कतिपय ‘ट्रिक’हरु धेरैका लागि नौला हुनसक्छन् । यहाँ केहि रोचक ट्रिकहरु प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ, जुन तपाईंलाई काम लाग्न सक्छन् :
१. कुनै सफ्टवेयरबिना यूट्यूबबाट भिडीयो कम्प्युटरमा डाउनलोड सकिन्छ । यूट्यूबबाट MP3 फाइलहरु पनि डाउनलोड गर्न सकिन्छ । तपार्इले खाली URL हल्का परिवर्तन गर्नुपर्छ ।
कुनै पनि भिडियो डाउनलोड गर्नका लागि URL को अगाडि PWN लेख्नु पर्छ । यसभन्दा अघि URL बाट http:// हटाएको हुनुपर्छ ।
उदाहरण :
यसको URL यस्तो बन्ने छ :
२. यूट्यूबको सर्च बक्समा ‘Use the force Luke’ टाइप गर्नुस् र Enter थिच्नुस् । तपाईंको यूट्यूब पेजले बिचित्रको व्यवहार गर्न थाल्छ ।
३.यूट्यूबको सर्च बक्समा Beam me up Scotty टाइप गरेर इन्टर हान्नुस् । यूट्यूबको स्क्रिन नै अर्कै देखिन थाल्छ ।
४. तपाईंलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ, यूट्यूबमा केहि सर्टकटहरु पनि हुन्छन्, जस्तै
– भिडियो प्ले हुँदा किबोर्डमा J थिच्नुभयो भने १० सेकेन्ड भिडियो रिवाइन्ड हुन्छ ।
– भिडियो प्ले हुँदा K किबोर्डमा  थिच्नुभयो भने भिडियो पज हुन्छ, पज भएको अवस्थामा प्ले हुन्छ ।
– भिडियो प्ले भइरहेको बेला किबोर्डमा L थिच्नुभयो भने भिडियो १० सेकेन्ड फरवार्ड हुन्छ
– भिडियो प्ले भइरहेको बेला M थिच्नुभयो भने भिडियो म्युट हुन्छ ।
५. यूट्यूबको सर्च बक्समा टाइप doge meme  टाइप गरेर इन्टर हान्नुस्, तपाईंको पेज कलरफुल बन्छ ।
६. यदि तपाईं कुनै यूट्यूव भिडियोबाट GIF बनाउन चाहनुहुन्छ भने यो पनि गर्न सकिन्छ । यसका लागि तपाईंले WWW / YouTube को बीचमा gif टाइप गर्नुस् । यसरी १ सेकेन्डदेखि १५ सेकेन्डसम्मको gif इमेज बनाउन सकिन्छ ।
७. मानौं तपाईं यूट्यूवमा कुनै भिडियो सुरुदेखि हेर्न चाहनुहुन्न । यसलाई कुनै निश्चित अवधिपछि मात्रै हेर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने तपाईं टाइम सेट गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।
मानौं कुनै ६ मिनेटको भिडियो छ र तपाईं यसलाई १ मिनेट २ सेकेण्डपछि हेर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने तपाईंले यूट्यूबको URL मा #t=1m2s टाइप गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
यसको URL यस्तो बन्ने छ
८. कुनै पनि भिडियोलाई केवल आवाजको रुपमा मात्रै डाउनलोड गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने त्यसका URL मा www र YouTube को बीचमा l टाइप गर्नुपर्छ ।

Trekking Peaks Fees (Climbing Permit Charge)

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Royalty for Nepali climber (per person in Nepali Rupees)

Group 'A' Peaks

S.NName of the peakRegionHeightPermit Fee (In Nepali Rupees)
Spring Autumn WinterSummer 
2Kyazo RiMahalangur6151m400020001,0001,000
3Phari LapchaMahalangur6159m400020001,0001,000
5Langsisa RiJugal6412m400020001,0001,000
9Lobuje WestKhumbu6135m400020001,0001,000
10Larkya PeakManaslu6416m400020001,0001,000
12Yubra HimalLangtang Himal6048m400020001,0001,000

Group 'B' Peaks

S.NName of the peakRegionHeight (In Meters)Permit Fee (In Nepali Rupees)
Spring Autumn WinterSummer 
1HiunchuliAnnapurna Himal6423400020001,0001,000
2Singhu Chuli (Fluted Peak)Annapurna Himal6501500025001,2501,250
3Mera PeakKhumbu Himal6470400020001,0001,000
4Kusum KangruKhumbu Himal6360400020001,0001,000
5KwangdeKhumbu Himal6011400020001,0001,000
6Chulu WestManang6419400020001,0001,000
7Chulu EastManang6584500025001,2501,250
8Imja Tse(Island Peak)Khumbu Himal6160400020001,0001,000
9PharchamoRolwaling Himal6187400020001,0001,000
10LobujeKhumbu Himal6119400020001,0001,000
11RamdungRolwaling Himal5925400020001,0001,000
12Pisang PeakManang6091400020001,0001,000
13Khongma TseKhumbu Himal5849400020001,0001,000
14Ganja-la ChuliLangtang Himal5844400020001,0001,000
15Paldor PeakLangtang Himal5896400020001,0001,000

 Royalty for Foreign climbers (per person in US dollar)

Group 'A' Peaks

S.NName of the peakRegionHeightPermit Fee (In US dollars)
Spring Autumn WinterSummer 
2Kyazo RiMahalangur6151m2501257070
3Phari LapchaMahalangur6159m2501257070
5Langsisa RiJugal6412m2501257070
9Lobuje WestKhumbu6135m2501257070
10Larkya PeakManaslu6416m2501257070
12Yubra HimalLangtang Himal6048m2501257070

Group 'B' Peaks

S.NName of the peakRegionHeight (In Meters)Permit Fee (In Nepali Rupees)
Spring Autumn WinterSummer 
1HiunchuliAnnapurna Himal64232501257070
2Singhu Chuli (Fluted Peak)Annapurna Himal6501400200100100
3Mera PeakKhumbu Himal64702501257070
4Kusum KangruKhumbu Himal63602501257070
5KwangdeKhumbu Himal60112501257070
6Chulu WestManang64192501257070
7Chulu EastManang6584400200100100
8Imja Tse(Island Peak)Khumbu Himal61602501257070
9PharchamoRolwaling Himal61872501257070
10LobujeKhumbu Himal61192501257070
11RamdungRolwaling Himal59252501257070
12Pisang PeakManang60912501257070
13Khongma TseKhumbu Himal58492501257070
14Ganja-la ChuliLangtang Himal58442501257070
15Paldor PeakLangtang Himal58962501257070

As per the decision of secretary-level dated 2014/4/29, the insurance amount for sardar, mountain guide and high altitude worker fund is fixed at Rs 15 lakhs. Similarly, medical insurance has been fixed at Rs 4 lakhs. Mountain heli-rescue of 10,000 USD is also required.      
Note: Maximum number of members in a team is 15.      
Garbage deposit to acquire climbing permit will be same i.e. USD 250. The refund shall be made as per the provisions of NMA. 

Climbers will not have to pay any permit fee for following NMA peaks

S.NName of the PeakHeightRegion
1Tharpu Chuli (Tent Peak)5695mAnnapurna Himal
2Mardi Himal5553mAnnapurna Himal
3Yala Peak5732mLangtang Himal
4Chhukung Ri5833mMahalangur
6Pokhalde5780mKhumbu Himal

Trekking Permit fees

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Trekking Permit
The Department of Immigration located at Kalikasthan, Dillibazar, Kathmandu (Tel : 977 – 1 – 4429659 / 4429660 / 4438862 / 4438868 Fax : 977 – 1 – 4433934 /4433935 Email : Web : issues permit for foreign tourists who intend to trek in controlled areas of Nepal.
A trekking permit is a must to travel to controlled areas mentioned below. Permit, however, is issued only to groups. Individual trekkers will not be issued trekking permit.
The areas and required fees are as follows:
S.NTrekking AreaPermit Fee
a. Areas of Upper DolpaFor the first 10 days US$ 500 per person and after 10 days US$ 50 per day person or equivalent foreign currency
b. Areas of Lower DolpoPer week per person US$ 10 or equivalent convertible foreign currency.
Areas of Upper MustangFor the first 10 days US$ 500 per person and after 10 days US$ 50 per day per person, or equivalent convertible foreign currency.
a. Manaslu RegionFrom September to November US$ 70 per week per person and after 7 days US$ 10 per day per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency. From December to August US$ 50 per week per person and after 7 days US$ 7 per day per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency.
b. Areas of Chhekampar and Chunchet VDC (Sirdibas-Lokpa-Chumling-Chhekampar -Nile-Chhule Area)From September to November, per person US$ 35 for first 8 days and from December to August per person US$ 25 for first 8 days or equivalent convertible foreign currency
Areas of Mugu, Dolpu, Pulu and Bhangri
For the first 7 days US$90 per person and after 7 days US$ 15 per day per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency.
Areas of Nar and PhuFrom September to November, US$ 90 per week per person and December to August US$ 75 per week per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency.
Gaurishankar and Lamabagar Per week per person US$ 10 Or equivalent convertible foreign currency.

Thuman and Timure 
Per week per person US$ 10 Or equivalent convertible foreign currency.

Simikot and Yari (Areas of Limi and Muchu village Development Committee, and area way to Tibet via Tangekhola of Darma Village Development committee)
For the first 7 days US$ 50 per person and after 7 days US$7 per day per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency.

Areas of Kimathanka, Chepuwa,Hatiya and Pawakhola VDCs)
For the first four weeks, US$ 10 per person per week and After four weeks, US$20 per person per week or equivalent convertible foreign currency.

Kanchanjanga Region (Areas of Olangchung Gola, Lelep, Papung and Yamphudin VDCs)
Per week per person US$ 10 or equivalent convertible foreign currency.

(Areas of Kanda, Saipal and Dhuli)
For the first 7 days, US$ 90 per person and After seven days US$ 15 per day per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency. 

(Areas of Byas VDC)
For the first 7 days, US$ 90 per person and after 7 days US$ 15 per day per person or equivalent convertible foreign currency. 
a. To get a group trekking permit an application form with other relevant documents should be submitted through any registered trekking agency of Nepal.
b. Trekking fee can be paid in Nepalese currency: Notwithstanding anything written in above, the Indian citizen can pay in Nepalese currency equivalent to US Dollars. भ्रमण गर्नु भएकोमा यहाँहरु लाई मुरी-मुरी धन्यवाद् छ। कृपया फेरिपनी चियाउदै गर्नुहोला। तपाईंको दिनहरु सधैं शुभ-रहोस्। धन्यवाद् ।


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