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Trekking Gears

Hardware : For all Treks
*  Water Bottle 1 litre min
*  Daypack
*  Moneybelt
*  Sunglasses. Wrap aropund
*  Bag Liners,Stuff and Rubbish Bags;
*  Sewing Kit
*  Toiletries. Bio-degradable;
*  Tissues,plenty! The toilet paper provided is’nt suitable or easily replaced on trek
*  Towel. Light weight or pack towel’
*  Headlamp ;
*  Penknife, swiss Army style
*  Batteries. Longlife Even these have a shorter life at Altitude.
*  Disposable Lighter
*  Personal First Aid Kit. See staying Healthy and Happy.

Thermarest : Luxury!
* Camera : Crazy not to!
* Diary : To record a once-in –a-lifetime experience
*  Games / Books for Evenings
*  Umbrella : Great sunshade and for privacy at toilet stops

General : For Trekking in September,October,March,April and May

*  Walking Boots : Lightweight,waterproof,with plenty of toe room,well worn in;
*  Socks : 3 pairs each thick/thin to be worn in combination-boots should be big enough!
*  Running / Tennis shoes / Sandals : For evenings and and to relief the feet
*  Waterproofs : Thigh length jacket with a hood.(If you don’t want to use provided  poncho
*  Pants :Lightweight.loose,long,trouser, short or skirt. jeans are unsuitable.
*  Jackets :  Pile/Fleece,and/or SWEATER. Lightweight, Duvet Jackets are provided on request
*  Trackpants : For evenings and colder days;
*  T-shirts : 2 OR 3
*  Shirt : Lightweight,long sleeved,with collar,to protect sensitive areas from the Sun;
* Hats : 1 wool/pile “beanie” with ear flaps.1 peaked sun hat , “Legionnaire” style;
*  Gloves :Wool /pile
* Scarf : Wool /pile;
*  Underwear : As required
*  Swimsuit : Essential for outdoor bathing.
*  Snow Gaitars : To keep pants and Boots dry 
Trek into the Annapurna Base Camp in March to May specially.

Winter : For  trekking in November, December, Janaury and February

Walkingboots, Running / Tennis Shoes / Sandals, T-hirts, Pants, Jacket, Shirt, Hats, Scarf, Underwear,  and Swimsuit, as for General Treks,
But add / adjust as follows:
*  Socks : 4 pairs or both thick and thin,and an extra pair for bed socks;
*  Waterproof :  Over pants with side zips,to fit over boots;
*  Woollen Sweater : 1 heavy weight  or, preferably,2 lightweight
*  Trackpants : 2-Preferably, 1 heavy track pants and 1 wool/pile trousers;
*  Gloves :  Wool, /pile,silk or thermal glove liners;
*  Thermal Underwear : Long medium/heavyweight tops and trousers;
*  Snow Gaitars : To keep pants and boots dry

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