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Main Hoon Akela 2015 Hindi Dubbed Movie With Tamil Songs | Arjun, Haripriya, Ashish Vidyarthi

Published on Jul 25, 2015
The Story is about Vayuputhran known as Muthu comes out of the prison with a promise to his jailmate Bala that he would take care of his ailing brother Sathish, who is about to undergo a surgery. After visiting Sathish in the hospital, Muthu goes to Vallakottai to earn money. His job is to surrender for the murder of Eswarapandian, the jameen of Vallakottai, which is to be committed by Eswarapandian's archrivals Nachiyar and his brother Sethupathi. At Vallakottai, Muthu meets Anjali and Veera Sangili. As scenes unfold, he falls for Anjali and also comes to know that Eswarapandian is harmless and Nachiyar is the one who is to be punished. Even as acting as a servant of Nachiyar, Muthu wears different getups in the name of Vayuputhran and teaches a lesson or two to the baddies. In the meantime, Bala gets released from prison and what follows is a twist.

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