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Windows7, Home and XP- Download

Windows 7 Ultimate with sp1
is the nonplus ultra edition win 7 ultimate  of the Windows 7 operating system as it is the only edition of Windows 7 that is feature complete. All other editions – with the exception of Windows 7 Enterprise which is Windows 7 Ultimate branded differently – lack features that are included in Windows 7 Ultimate. It combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional,

Windows XP Service Pack 3: XP SP3 (final release) activated
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Preview actually contains security updates and hotfixes issued by Microsoft Corp. up to April 2nd, 2006; 248 files in total Each hotfix needs to be installed manually. when downloading, you may also get additional applications bundled with the software's installer file. These third party application may represent a hazard for your computer, so you will need to carefully read the installation notes. Attention: Internet Explorer 7 is not included in the package
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Windows 7 Professional
is the second Windows 7 edition next to Windows 7 Home Premium  that Microsoft will be available for customers and OEMs worldwide.. This edition would basically have been Windows 7 Business but was renamed by Microsoft to reflect that it is not only aimed at business but also at professionals. Some say that it was done to make the decision for Windows XP users easier to switch to the new operating system as one of the Windows XP editions was named Windows XP Professional.
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Windows 7 Home Premium
makes it easy to create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos, and music. You can even watch, pause, rewind, and record TV. Get the best entertainment experience with Windows 7 Home Premium
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Windows xp professional 32bit
goes beyond the benefits of Home Edition with advanced capabilities designed specifically to optimize productivity using the latest advancements in the digital world. Built on the solid foundation of Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional provides improved reliability, security, performance and ease of use, setting the new standard in efficient and dependable computing. Requires CD burning software to be installed
Windows xp professional 32bit iso download

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