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Free SMS To All over The World

Namaste, This is a page for all of us to send Free SMS to all kinds of mobiles all over the world. To send SMS please type mobile number with country code and write sms and click send. For example: type nepal country code 00977 (not +977) and mobile number. It looks like
0097798********. (जस्तै : नेपाल एसएमएस पठाउन नेपालको कोड नम्बर 00977 (+977 होइन) टाईप गरेर त्यसपछि मात्र मोबाईल नम्बर टाईप गर्नुहोला । SMS पठाउँनुपर्ने नम्बर यस्तो देखिनेछ । 0097798********) You can send sms as many as you can. Do not confuse, sms will be sent. 

In Simple, Type : country code+mobile number (for Nepal: 0097798********)
And write your name in your message.


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