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Paragliding in Nepal

Paragliding in NepalWe offers some exciting paragliding tours in Nepal. Paragliding in the Himalayan region is a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience for the adventure seeker. Experience the unparalleled scenic grandeur as you soar over villages, monasteries, temples, lakes and jungle, while sharing airspace with Himalayan griffins, eagles, and kites. Paragliding is a seasonal sport; the flying season in Nepal commences in November, and runs through to February, the best months being November and December. Pokhara is becoming one of the world's best destinations for tourists to experience the Himalayas and is one of the world's best locations for Paragliding.

Tandem Flying requires a trained pilot flying with a passenger. It is your solution to experience paragliding without extensive training. Two separate harnesses are attached to the wing. The paragliding harness is designed for comfort and safety. You can sit back, take pictures and enjoy the freedom of flying like a bird. This exciting short flight trip can be completed pre/post trekking when you have a rest day in Pokhara. For details please make an inquiry or book this tandem flight now.

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