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How To Create Many Folders At Once With Different Names By One Click

What should you do if you need to create many folders with different names in your computer? I know, generally you click the right button of your mouse, then you click New, then click Folder, then you rename the folder. Then you repeat it to create another folder. But today I will tell you how will you create many folders at once with their different names. To do this, you have to follow my following instructions.
Just imagine, you want to create 7 folders with these names : SOFTWARE  AUDIO VIDEO DOCUMENTS MOVIES GAMES PERSONAL
1. Go any drive where you want to create these 7 folders.
2. Then click the right button of your mouse.
3. Then click New from the context menu.
4. Then click Text Document. A notepad will be opened.
5. In the open notepad at first type "MD"
6. After typing "MD" , type your folder's names separating with an space. For example : MD SOFTWARE AUDIO VIDEO DOCUMENTS MOVIES GAMES PERSONAL
see the shot!

7. Then click File from notepad's menu bar.
8. Click Save As... . A Save As window will be opened.
9.  Then type "create folder.bat" in File name. Instead of "create folder" you can type anything. But typing ".bat" is obligatory with any name.
see the following shot!

10. Click Save button.
11. After clicking Save button a batch file will be created with the name create folder.
12. Double click on the batch file. Your 7 folders will be created with their own names.


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