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How to Install a Custom Blogger Template

This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to correctly apply a new xml Blogger template to your blog. This process can be tricky depending on several factors (quality of the code in the new template, your existing widgets, etc) so you need to be careful when changing your template. Don’t worry though, just follow these step-by-step instructions below and we’ll hopefully get you through it without much pain.


  1. Install a Custom Blogger Template Step 1.jpg
    Sign in to your blogger blog and head to “design” => “Edit HTML”
  2. Install a Custom Blogger Template Step 2.jpg
    Before uploading new template backup your previous template.
  3. Install a Custom Blogger Template Step 3.jpg
    Now browse your computer and select and upload your desired template.
  4. Install a Custom Blogger Template Step 4.jpg
    After this process, blogger will ask whether to keep or delete your widgets.Take your choice (see screenshot).
  5. Install a Custom Blogger Template Step 5.jpg
    Now preview your blog and if everything is fine hit 'Save Template' button.
  6. Install a Custom Blogger Template Step 6.jpg
    That's it, your new template is live now.

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