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 (Far from the madding crowd)
....Imagine a gentle countryside drive through, typical Chettri village, saplings and terraces, wild nature, pieces of clouds fluttering in the blue- mere blue sky and full blooming red- Rhododendron and snow peaks on the background. Isn't it a beautiful? Nobody knows more about delighting the senses than to melt the self amidst the beauty of loneliness. It needs no words to speak with nature. You can just stare and smile, be closer and enjoy the pleasure of being a part of the nature. Who does not want to be in the plinth of Virgin Mt. Fishtail and dip into 41 degree natural hot spring.
Speciality of this tour
spring Tour Rhododendron Tour
  • The real Nepalese lifestyle- Comletely countryside tour / trek where we can enjoy beautiful skyfull of stars in the naked sky very close.
  • Natural hot spring bath (good for, body ache, skin diseases, rheumatism etc.)
  • Day return Hike / Bicycle/ Motorcycle, Car Driving tour
  • Only Organic and local products are available on the way.
  • Beautiful landscape, wild herb garden, rich in vegetation, flora and fauna.
  • Nepal’s National bird Lophophorous, National flower Rhododendron and wild animals viz. tiger, bear, leopard can be seen on the way.
  • Good opportunity to watch wild honey hunter‘s honey harvest (challenging task- hanging at 600 / 700 high cliff just with the help of rope.
Tour Costs: USD 55 / Pax (Includes: Transportation, taxes, Guide & Lunch box)
Time Duration 7 am to 5pm (1.5hrs Drive/ 1 hrs Walk) Village walk / Hot Bath.

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