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Helambu Valley Trek

Beautiful forests, interesting Sherpa villages.Apple Farming, Valley in the base of Central Himalayan Ranges, Gorgeous vegetation, Diversified Ethnic people, Ever happily welcomed trekking zone. Famous trekking in the past of its easy access and vast Natural pleasure.
  • Dates: Daily
  • Best Season: Four Season Trekking
  • Duration: 11 Days
  • Trekking Days: 07 Days
  • Grade: Medium-Easy
  • Maximum Altitude: 3640m
  • Commences At: Chisopani - Kathmandu
  • Ends At: Melamchi Bazar
  • Code: HHL - I
Price: $ 800 p/p


Day 01 Arrival in Kathmandu
Day 02 Half Day Sightseeing in Pashupatinath, Boudhanath Stupa

and Changunarayan Temple at Bhaktapur
Day 03 Drive Kathmandu to Chisopani
Day 04 Chisopani to Gul Bhanjyang
Day 05 Gul Bhanjyang to Tharepati
Day 06 Tharepati to Melamchigaon
Day 07 Melamchigaon to Tarke Gyang
Day 08 Tarke Gyan to Sermathang
Day 09 Sermathang to Kathmandu via Melamchi Pul Bazaar
Day 10 Everest Mountain Flight Leisure in Kathmandu
Day 11 Departure Kathmandu.

Helambu Valley  trek is a relatively low altitude one and it is close to Kathmandu, it is convenient yet surprisingly free of trekkers. The trek passes through some beautiful forests and very interesting villages on route. Along the way, we visit the homes of Brahmins, Tamangs and Sherpa people of Nepal. In the Helambu region, the Sherpas are quite distinct from the Sherpas of the Everest region in both language and customs. The ranges of mountains that rise above us match the diversity of the people we meet. From low altitudes, we have excellent views of mountains that include the Langtang range, the Annapurnas, Manaslu and even Everest on a clear day. 
Itinerary Details:
Day 01 - Arrival In Kathmandu

Today is your arrival. We welcome you upon your arrival at Kathmandu’s  Tribhuvan International Airport. Transfer to Hotel in Kathmandu or your choice of Hotel in Kathmandu Valley (Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur).Arrival city briefing follows after Hotel check in concerning the necessary formalities on your tour and trek program. Depending upon your arrival time you may spend free time visiting nearby historic/Countryside areas or resting.

Day 02 – Half Day Cultural Sightseeing  in Pashupatinath, Boudhanath and Changunarayan

Half day Cultural sightseeing in World Heritage sites of Kathmandu and Bhaktapur where your guide will accompany you on a tour of UNESCO enlisted Hindu temples and the unique fusion shrines of  Newari architectural  Hinduism and Buddhism reflecting ancient  golden  era in local traditions for the glories. There is time to explore the city’s many places of interest with your guide or take a rest while trekking permits are finalized .In the evening sample a delicious traditional Nepali dinner in authentic Nepali Restaurant with the cultural dances that represents different customs and music instrument of Nepal. Overnight Hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 03 - Kathmandu to Chisopani (2140m)

Drive from Kathmandu to the Sundarijal northern edge of the Kathmandu valley for about 1 hour by private transport and start to hike up to Mulkharka,  the sprawling Tamang settlement. The trail continues on a gentle climb through the forests ridges before it drops down to Chisopani (cold water) (2300m). Situated on the ridge from where you can see countless snow peaks. The sunrise on the Himalaya, from Annapurna to Everest, is particularly outstanding from this point. Stay overnight there (4 hrs).

Day 04 - Chisopani to Gul Bhanjyang (2140m)

The trail continues to drop down on a good, sometimes level and crosses meadows and fields to Pati Bhanjyang. This is a Brahman and Chhetri village on a saddle at the bottom of the ridge at 1860 meter. From here the trail starts climbing up again on a series of steep switchbacks to Chipling (2170m) where we can stop for lunch. At the upper end of this village the trail makes another steep, 200 meter, climb on a stone staircase to the top of the Jhogin Danda ridge. From the ridge the trail descends through forest to a large chorten (round Buddhist monument) overlooking the Tamang village of Gul Bhanjyang, which is a delightfull, classic hill village with a pleasant main street (6 hrs).

Day 05 - Gul Bhanjyang to Tharepati (3640m)

From Gul Bhanjyang the first part of the trail climbs up a steep, eroded trail through rhododendron forest passing only a few shepherds’ huts to a pass at 2580 meter. The treks proceeds north up the Yurin Danda ridge and affords views of Langtang and Gosaikund Peaks. We will cross the pass at 3510 meter before we descent to Magen Goth where we stop for lunch. Afterwards, we pick up the ascending/descending trail again, passing through forests, across flower-strewn meadows and crossing streams till we reach Tharepati (3640m) (6 hrs).

Day 06 - Tharepati to Melamchigaon (2530m)

From the northeren end of the village the trail turns east and drops steeply into a ravine. Here the vegetation changes to large firs, then oaks and rhododendrons, as we rapidly loos altitude. After crossing the Chhyadi Khola on a suspension bridge, the trail makes a short final ascent to the prosperous Sherpa village of Malamchigaon at 2530m. We will arrive here early and the rest of today’s time can be spent strolling around the village. Melamchigaon is a large prosperous Sherpa village with extensive fields of barley, corn and potatoes. The gompa (Tibetan Buddhist temple) here has a line of prayer flags at the front, brightly painted walls and statues of Guru Rimpoche and his consorts. It is local believe that Guru Rimpoche mediated in a cave above the village and wore robes made by dakinis (female angels) (5 hrs).

Day 07 - Melamchigaon to Tarke Gyang (2590m)

From the Melamchigaon gompa, the trail descends through jungle to a bamboo teashop at 2360 meter, then drops steeply through fields to the Malemchi Khola river. After crossing the
suspension bridge at 1890m the trail begins its long climb towards Tarke Gyang, which is the
largest village in the Helambu region. The stone houses here are build close together with narrow alleyways separating them. The gompa of this village has a large brass prayer wheel (6 hrs).

Day 08 - Tarke Gyan to Sermathang (2610m)

The trail leaves the village and makes a sweep around the wide valley to the pretty Sherpa village of Ganyul at 2520 meter. The people in this village practice Drukpa Kagyu Buddhism, the same as the national religion of Buthan. From here the trail drops over a ridge but soon starts climbing up again through deep forests, crossing a number of streams to a crest at 2620 meter. We continue our way passing the large gompa at Chumnik, before another gentle climb leads as to the village of Sermathang. In the afternoon we can visit the gompa here (4 hrs).

Day 09 - Sermathang to Kathmandu via Melamchi Pul Bazaar

From Sermathang the trail follows the ridge all the way down to Malemchi Pul Bazaar, making a drop of 1730 meter. The trail passes chorten after chorten in the settlements of Nigale, Gyalsha and Raithani Gyang. From here we descent through chir pine forest to yet another chorten at Kakani, which is the last Sherpa village on the trek, and we now enter the lowlands inhabited by Brahmans and Chhetris. From Kakani the trail drops steeply to the attractive village of Dubhachaur in a saddle at 1610 meter. Continuing firther down the ridge our trail will eventually bring us to a large suspension bridge which crosses the Indrawati river and brings us into Malemchi Pul Bazaar. From here we will take private transportation back to Kathmandu (6 hrs walking time, 3-4 hrs to Kathmandu). Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 10 - Everest Mountain Flight / Leisure in Kathmandu

We pick you up early in the morning to transfer to Domestic airport for one of the “world’s must do” Everest Mountain flight for an hour in 5 nautical miles from the  awe inspiring Mountains. You will be par excited after the Mountaan flights. We pick you up after the Everst flight and transfer to Hotel. After the Breakfast, Leisure Time in Kathmandu. It’s indeed time for the souvenir hunting around Kathmandu’s noted places having optional trip to tranquil historic Heritages in your own or with us or  with our versatile guide. We provide extra drive and drop services anywhere

Day 11 - Departure Kathmandu.

Our Tour officer meets you in Hotel for the Departure Transfer to Kathmandu’s International Airport. We will be always welcoming you back to Nepal for various other stunning Trekking or looking forward to serving you in our other country travel arrangements.

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