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Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve

Area: 1325sq. km Established: 1983 and gazetted in 1987Location: Dhorpatan hunting reserve adjoins Rukum, Myagdi and baglung districts in the Dhaulagiri Himal range in west Nepal. Putha, churn and gurja Himal extend over the northern boundary of the reserve. This is the only hunting reserve in the country, attracting Nepalese and foreign hunters with blue sheep and other game animals. The reserve is divided into six blocks for hunting management purposes. The reserve is characterized by alpine, sub alpine, and high temperate vegetation. Common plant species include fir pine, birch, rhododendron, hemlock, oak juniper and spruce. Pastureland at higher elevations occupies more that 50% of the total area of the reserve. The reserve is one of the prime habitats for blue sheep, a highly coveted trophy. Other animals found there are: leopard, goral, Serow, Himalayan Tahr, Himalayan black bear, barking deer, wild boar, rhesus macaque, langur and mouse hare. Pheasants and partridges are common and their viable population in the reserve permits controlled hunting. Endangered animals in the reserve include musk deer, wolf, red panda, cheer pheasant and Danphe (Lophophorus). Special permits required for hunting.
Area: 1325sq. km Established: 1983 and gazetted in 1987Location: Dhorpatan hunting reserve adjoins Rukum, Myagdi and baglung districts in the Dhaulagiri Himal range in west Nepal. Putha, churn and gurja Himal extend over the northern boundary of the reserve. This is the only hunting reserve in the country, attracting Nepalese and foreign hunters with blue sheep and other game animals. The reserve is divided into six blocks for hunting management purposes.
The reserve is characterized by alpine, sub alpine, and high temperate vegetation. Common plant species include fir pine, birch, rhododendron, hemlock, oak juniper and spruce. Pastureland at higher elevations occupies more that 50% of the total area of the reserve. The reserve is one of the prime habitats for blue sheep, a highly coveted trophy. Other animals found there are: leopard, goral, Serow, Himalayan Tahr, Himalayan black bear, barking deer, wild boar, rhesus macaque, langur and mouse hare. Pheasants and partridges are common and their viable population in the reserve permits controlled hunting. Endangered animals in the reserve include musk deer, wolf, red panda, cheer pheasant and Danphe (Lophophorus). Special permits required for hunting.

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