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Around Langtang Gosaikunda Trek

Cultural Sightseeing of Boudhanath, Pashupatinath and the oldest Temple Changunarayan of World Heritage, Short and Sweet famous Langtang Circuit Trek , Views of  Holy Gosainkunda Lake, views of Langtang range, Ganesh Himal, Dorie Lakap, Nayakangri and Langshisa. Diversified Ethnic Culture on Trek Area.
  • Dates: Daily
  • Best Season: September to June
  • Duration: 18 Days
  • Trekking Days: 14 Days
  • Grade: Hard-Medium
  • Maximum Altitude: 4360m
  • Commences At: Dhunche - Rasuwa
  • Ends At: Chisopani - Kathmandu
  • Code: HL - II
Price: $ 1260 Per Person


Day 01 Arrival in Kathmandu
Day 02 Half Day Cultural Sightseeing in Boudhanath,

Pashupati and Changunarayan
Day 03 Kathmandu to Trisuli Bazaar/ Start Trek to Syabrubeshi
Day 04 Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel
Day 05 Lama Hotel to Langtang
Day 06 Langtang to Kyanjin Gompa
Day 07 Kyangjing Gompa to Lama Hotel
Day 08 Lama Hotel (3600m) to Thulo Syabru
Day 09 Thulo Syabru to Sing Gompa
Day 10 Sing Gompa to Laurebina Yak
Day 11 Lauberina Yak to Goisakund
Day 12 Gosainkunda to Gopte
Day 13 Gopte to Tharepati
Day 14 Tharepati to Gul Bhanjyang
Day 15 Gul Bhanjyang to Chisopani
Day 16 Chisopani to Kathmandu
Day 17 Leisure in Kathmandu
Day 18 Departure Kathmandu.
Starts with an overland journey to Dunche, the main trading post of the area. From here we spend four days hiking up through this beautiful alpine valley to Kyangjin where we rest for a day for some exploration of the high mountains and glacial systems. Here, mountains raise soaring towards the sky. The landscapes we cross are extremely varied; rice-terraces, gigantic rhododendron, pine forest, and in the highest parts, a rock and shrub wilderness with the fascinating backdrop of snow capped peaks. This trek also provides a chance to observe one of a holy site of Hindu and Buddhist the sacred Gosainkunda Lake. We cross the Laurebinayak pass (4600 meters) and drop into the lush Helambu region and different cultural experiences eventually finishing the trek an hours drive from Kathmandu. This trek offers fascinating views of Langtang range, Ganesh Himal, Dorje Lakap, Nayakanga, and Langshisa etc.
Day 01 - Arrival in Kathmandu

Today is your arrival. We welcome you upon your arrival at Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport. Transfer to Hotel in Kathmandu or your choice of Hotel in Kathmandu Valley (Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur).Arrival city briefing follows after Hotel check in concerning the necessary formalities on your tour and trek program. Depending upon your arrival time you may spend free time visiting nearby historic / Countryside areas or resting.

Day 02 - Half Day Cultural Sightseeing in Boudhanath, Pashupati and Changunarayan

Half day Cultural sightseeing in World Heritage sites of Kathmandu and Bhaktapur where your guide will accompany you on a tour of UNESCO enlisted Hindu temples and the unique fusion shrines of Newari architectural Hinduism and Buddhism reflecting ancient golden era in local traditions for the glories. There is time to explore the city’s many places of interest with your guide or take a rest while trekking permits are finalized .In the evening sample a delicious traditional Nepali dinner in authentic Nepali Restaurant with the cultural dances that represents different customs and music instrument of Nepal. Overnight Hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 03 - Kathmandu to Trisuli Bazaar (1940m)/ Trek to Syabrubeshi (2150m)

Our morning transport from Kathmandu takes us all the way through to Dunche, which lies on the east bank high above the Trishuli River. Beginning the trek from here allows us to cover some of the best trekking country in Nepal, where relatively few foreign trekkers visit. The route to Syabrubeshi follows the road up to a ridge at 1800, then continues for a short distance to Tamang Village of Thulo Bharkhu..About 100 m from the village the road crosses a small stream with some water –driven mills. The hike gets delightful through occasional pine and Rhododendron forests. After a short climb, the trail reaches a ridge crest at 2300, where the trek originally enters the Langtang valley.There are views of Snow peaks in Tibet, west to Ganesh Himal and east t oNaya Kangri and Ganja la peaks. A short, steep downhill through the Bamboo forests leads to Syabru at 2100m. (3 hrs)

Day 04 - Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2470m)

After leaving our hotel we cross the Bhote Kosi River by a suspension bridge towards ‘old’ Syabrubesi, a cluster of houses and a school opposite the river. Another suspension bridge carries us over the south side of the Langtang Khola, this river we will be following upwards for the next couple of days. We climb slowly to Doman (1680m) and continue over a rocky ridge to Landslide Lodge and Hot Spring restaurant; named after a small hot spring on the opposite river bank at 1810 meter. The trail now climbs gently up to Bamboo Lodge where we will enjoy our lunch. Opposite the river we will see near vertical cliffs covered with cactuses. After Bamboo we cross the Langtang Khola on a new suspension bridge to the north bank. The forest becomes sparser and drier on this side of the river, consisting mainly of scrub oaks and nettles. We climb steeply on a good trail to Rimche (2510m). We have now finished most of today’s climbing and descend slowly to Lama Hotel where we will spend the night (6 hrs).

Day 05 - Lama Hotel to Langtang (3430m)

The day starts with a gentle climb, but it soon becomes steeper, climbing through a forest of hemlocks, oaks, maples and rhododendron. Beautiful views of Langtang Lirung (7246m) can be seen from the trail. After little more then an hour we pass two lodges in the forest at Gumanchok (2800m), from where we climb to a Nepal army post and a national park checkpoint at Ghora Tabela (2970m). The trail asvends gradually, as the valley becomes wider. We will pass a few teashops at Thangshyap at 3140 meter, where we will have our lunch. The route is now in open country, and passes many mani stones, water-driven prayer wheels and a few scattered Tamang villages before arriving in Langtang. This is a small village consisting of guesthouses and yak farms. The surrounding fields containing buckwheat, potatoes, wheat, turnips and barley have typical stone fencing walls (5 hrs).

Day 06 - Langtang to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m)

Walking through the village of Langtang we will pass many stone mani walls, covered with Tibetan inscriptions to please the gods. It then climbs up gradually past the small villages of Mumdu and Sindum. The trail continues through yak pastures. After crossing the Langtang Khola to its south bank we climb up through a landscape scattered with large boulders to a moraine where we will have the first views of Kyanjin Gompa ahead of us, and the dramatic icefall flowing from Langtang Lirung and Langtang Kinshung (6781m) north of us. Our route weaves through the large boulders to a gompa and from here it’s a short descent to Kyanjin Gompa. It is easy to reach our destination before lunch, allowing time to acclimatize and explore the surroundings. One of the options is a hike to one of the good viewpoints. To the north of Kyanjin Gompa is the Kyanjin Ri (4773m), which is a two-hour climb. From here we have a great view over the mountain range in the west, including Langshisha Ri (6370m), Gang Chhenpo (6388m) and Dorje Lakpa (6966m). (3hrs, to the viewpoint and back is about another 3 hrs).

Day 07 - Kyangjing Gompa to    Lama Hotel (2470m)

Today we follow our route back to Lama Hotel, the trail goes with a few short exceptions most of its way downwards, descending around 1400 meter back to Lama Hotel (5 hrs).

Day 08 - Lama Hotel (3600m) to Thulo Syabru (2260m)

We take the same route until we reach the Landslide lodge where we take the upper trail to reach Thulo Syabru. The trail goes up for around 400 meter, and passes a bhatti at U Kyang on the ridge before arriving at the pleasant village of Thulo Syabru, with its many elaborate carved windows (6 hrs).

Day 09 - Thulo Syabru to Sing Gompa (3330m)

Today we start our trek passing the gompa, school and army post, and then switchback up the steep hill above the village to Dursagang (2660m). The trail continues less steeply from now, mostly in forest of hemlock and oak to the top of the ridge at Foprang Danda, where we will have lunch. The trail to Sing Gompa cuts across the ridge top, staying fairly level as it crosses the head of the valley. After passing the final ridge at 3260 meter we will arrive at Sing Gompa (4 hrs).

Day 10 - Sing Gompa to Laurebina Yak (3920m)

The trail of today climbs steeply up the ridge, which creates a transition zone between rich, moist forests on the northern slopes and dry scrub vegetation on the slope facing south. The area on the northern slope is a sanctuary for the red panda, an endangered species that the Nepali calls cat bear. The trail crosses behind the ridge and stays in the deep forest for a while before emerging onto a saddle at Chalang Pati. From here we enter the Goisakund protected area where the killing of animals, lighting of wood fires and grazing of goats is prohibited. As the trail ascends there are outstanding views across Langtang valley to Langtang Lirung. It is possible to continue to Goisakund on the same day, but for acclimatization reasons it is wiser to stay in Lauberina Yak. Morning views from this small settlement are excellent – we can see the Annapurnas, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal and Langtang Hirung (3 hrs).

Day 11 – Lauberina Yak to Goisakund (4360m)

We start by climbing further along the ridge till we see the first lakes at around 4200 meter. The trail now leaves the ridge and heads high above the Trisuli valley. After the trail crosses a spur, the second lake in the chain (Bhairav Kund) comes into view. The trail climbs gently but continuously to the third and largest lake, Goisakund. Goisakund Lake has a black rock in the middle, said to be the head of Shiva. According to the legend, Shiva created the lake when he pierced a glacier with his trident to obtain water to quench his thirst after consuming poison. Hundreds of pilgrims come here to worship and bathe during the full-moon festival each August. It takes about 45 minutes to walk around the lake (3 hrs).

Day 12 - Gosainkunda to Gopte (3440m)

The first part of the trail climbs further through rugged country passing three more small lakes towards Laurebina La pass (4610m). There is a good view from this pass in both directions. After the pass, the trail descends alongside a stream through alpine country to the national park post at Bhera Goth. We continue descending over a rocky trail along the middle of the valley to Phedi (3740m) for lunch. From Phedi the route drops to a stream and then climbs through scrub bamboo to a crest at 3750 meter. From here we climb in and out ravines across the head of the valley to Gopte (7 hrs).

Day 13 - Gopte to Tharepati (3640m)

The trail continues up ravines and across the boulders of old moraines below the wreckage of
a Thai Airlines plane that crashed here in bad weather in 1992. Make a final ascent to Tharepati on the ridge at 3490m from where we can see the Helambu region. We will arrive around noon and rest of the day we can just relax (3 hrs).

Day 14 - Tharepati to Gul Bhanjyang (2492m)

In the morning we walk through the alpine country side with meadows and scrubs typical for high elevation. We will enter the forest again and follow the ridges before descending to Magen Goth.
Two lodges are remaining from a former army camp. The trail gently climbs to a small pass at Mere Danda at 3510 meter before descending through rhododendron forest inhabited by only a few shepherds’ huts. The trail continues further down to Kutumsang from where we continue to the nearby Gul Bhanjyang , which is a delightfullk classic hill village (6 hrs).

Day 15 - Gul Bhanjyang to Chisopani (2194m)

We start by descending down a forested ridge to the long, strung-out village of Thodang Betini (2260m). From here we climb up around 200 meters to the top of the Jhogin Danda ridge and descend over a stone staircase to the teashops at Chipling. Continuing our way down past Brahman and Chhetri villages and through meadows and fields we finally reach Chisopani, which resembles an unfinished tourist resort (5 hrs).

Day 16 - Chisopani to Kathmandu

We start the day by climbing up the last pass of the trek at Borlang Bhanjyang, which lies at 2240 meter. From here we descend steeply through deeply eroded chasms towards the Tamang settlement of Mulkharka at 1800 meter. From here on it is a short bit to Sundarjial as we walk past the local water supply system and follow the water pipe to this village. From Sundarijal we can take local transportation, or have our private transport waiting for us to bring us back to Kathmandu (4 hrs). Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 17 – Leisure in Kathmandu

Leisure Time in Kathmandu. It’s indeed time for the souvenir hunting around Kathmandu’s noted places having optional trip to tranquil historic Heritages in your own or with us or  with our versatile guide. We provide extra drive and drop services anywhere

Day 18- Departure Kathmandu.

Our Tour officer meets you in Hotel for the Departure Transfer to Kathmandu’s International Airport. We will be always welcoming you back to Nepal for various other stunning Trekking or looking forward to serving you in our other country travel arrangements.

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